Sunday, January 29, 2012

J is for Jam and Shortbread Cookies

As Rachel Ray would say: Yummo!
I made these light, springy cookies at the same time as I made the Graham Cracker Peanut Butter Bars, and BOY did they balance out that richness with the perfect amount of fruit and shortbread. 
They remind me of this super easy recipe my mom always made with fresh raspberries and buttermilk shortbread. It was so easy, so yummy. 

Except I stupidly put the shortbread dough in a huge casserole dish, then had to transfer it to a WAY smaller one, so definitely don't forget the aluminium foil, it also helps with serving it. I also love how you just pinch of the rest of the dough and it spreads out in the oven to create a yummy crispy crust.
I used a mixture of strawberry jam and some leftover raspberry preserves we had in the fridge 

 It's also one of those recipes where you can make it anytime, because it's so easy with such little ingredients that you always have on hand. LOVE IT! Yeah this is a short post, but until next time, show off those sweet teeth and always remember to ask "What's for dessert?"

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