Monday, January 16, 2012

A for Apple Dumplings with Caramel Sauce

Does apple dumplings sounds kinda sketch to you too or is it just me? When I first read the title, I was like nope, next. But then I saw the picture and read the recipe. I became a new woman after that. It was incredibly easy; the hardest part, buying puff pastry dough, which is in the frozen section of every supermarket and coring the apples. It's definitely my favorite so far, super easy and super delicioso. Regarding the whole coring situation, by the fourth apple, I finally got my technique right. I chopped the bottom and top of the apple, to get a flat surface, then stabbed my knife around the core in a square shape. Do the same on the bottom then push the core through the bottom with your thumbs.
All my apple shavings...

Even if they break apart, the pastry dough holds them together in the oven
My beautiful Mt. Brinnagar (Brown Sugar and Cinnamon, cute display right?)
Also use aluminum foil on the baking sheet for easy clean up, because the brown sugar and cinnamon that's packed into the core turns to liquid and oozes out of the sides. (Yum!) I made this at like 10 at night, then the next morning had it for breakfast. Let me just say, it's delicious every second of the day, who doesn't love cinnamon apples smothered in caramel? I mean I'm only human.

Now a few years back, I developed an allergy towards apples. Random, I know, but even though it made my mouth all itchy and red, I still craved that crisp taste that only an apple can deliver. I took the chance with these babies and the risk was soooo worth it. After those few heavenly minutes of savoring that apple deliciousness, I braced myself for the itchyness ahead. But, surprisingly, it never came. Huh. So I guess my allergy has a loophole? Only when a crunchy apple is paired with cinnamon and pastry dough and baked till it's died, gone to heaven, and reborn into the unicorn of desserts, can my body accept and overcome my allergy. Well shucks, hope apples are ready, because Kayla's back in the game! Until next time, be proud of those sweet teeth, and don't forget to ask "What's for dessert?"

Like I said, the "unicorn" of all desserts

From Page 96 in Teens Cook Dessert

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