Tuesday, January 3, 2012


All I know is that I know nothing- Socrates

Well, no offense Socrates, but that’s not necessarily true. Here are some things I am certain of: primarily, this is my first time EVER blogging and it’s gonna take some getting used to, so please be patient with me. Secondly, I love baking, and most importantly, talking, and I like to convince myself that’s someone’s listening on the other side of this computer screen, but that’s not the point of this post now is it. This post is about how The Sweet Life Project came into existence, which was for one reason and one reason only; school. (At my age, that’s always the case.) For an English Class project, we have to have a personal project; we take something we are interested in and try to expand that into a personal challenge that we will reflect on and analyze into a report. In short, I, being inspired by the book/ movie Julie and Julia, chose baking, but to bake something for every letter of the alphabet and blog about my experience. Yup, you heard me, The Sweet Life Project is a personal challenge to test the capacity of my sanity and my family’s blood sugar and bake 26 things for each letter, in a matter of a few months.

Now these next few things, I’m not so sure about. I’m not sure when and why I decided to expand my project to this level of crazy, but I did. I’m not sure who in their right mind is out there reading this, but I am very grateful and honored that you are wasting your time listening to me ramble on and on. I’ve always wanted to have a blog, but never had the guts to write out my thoughts and send them into the vast unknown, so here goes……Hope you enjoy experiencing this ride with me. 

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